Kings is a television drama series which aired on NBC and Citytv. The series' narrative is loosely based on the Biblical story of King David, but set in a kingdom that culturally and technologically resembles the present-day United States.
Advance showings received mostly positive critical reviews. The March 15, 2009 premiere placed 4th in network television ratings for that evening. After four episodes aired, NBC moved it to a Saturday slot, but only showed one more episode before pulling the series until summer. The remaining seven episodes were aired on Saturdays in June and July.
Kings was canceled after failing to find a sufficient audience.
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Customers Reviews about Kings
Finally something intelligent and well done that does a network proud. When was the last time anyone in charge of a network production could say that? I was amazed that a TV production was permitted to adapt a biblical story to commercial television and not make it a travesty. The writing, acting and casting are first rate and the ingenious production that sets the story in a modern setting easily identifiable to not only American but World audiences is outstanding. How power corrupts and becomes the guiding principle of a regime (whether its elected or hereditary) and how human failings overshadow all the events they contrive and no matter what they orchestrate, realize that they are really never in control.
Ian McShane steals the show as the King and is perfectly cast. The writers have even managed to depict the proper tone of a man falling from the pinnacle knowing that his path is taking him to ultimate failure after he's abandoned his principles.
Kudos to Christopher Egan and Allison Miller. Egan as the 'David' and reluctant hero and Allison as the love interest and King's daughter who wants to be more than just another pretty face.
Th writing is first rate and I'm amazed that it survived the usual story development process as well as it did.
It's a do not miss and will be talked about for years.
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