"I did not" see it, Tom confesses. "It would be like watching someone go on a date with your ex-wife. The film made a lot of noise but wasn't that big. Otherwise you'd have 2 and 3 out already."
Tom admits that back in his Duke days he would pop open a beer around 5 while they were still working, but doesn't do that anymore. "That'll get you fired now," says Tom who is still friends with co-star John Schneider. "We just did a jazz-country-pop show. We were there for two nights and it was a lot of fun."
Tom concedes that John was the cuter of the two, but tells me he is definitely the better singer. He says they've both done quite well because of the show. "Well it's not like with 'Seinfeld' but we did okay," Tom says.
Returning to performing live and recording music is his passion now and he doesn't mind not getting recognized that much anymore on the street. "No, I don't do the celebrity thing," says Tom.
For my entire interview with Tom, that included his fond memories of ladies in denim, tune into 'Naughty But Nice with Rob' this Saturday at 1 PM and 7 PM only on HDNet.
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